3 Quick Tips to Choose the Best Birthing Ball for You.

Which birthing ball do you choose? You take one quick look on google and you are blown away with too much choice. BABYGO, Argos, Amazon, where do you start!?

What no one tells you is why a gym ball is not the same as a birthing ball.

Until now.

We have saved you the stress of having to figure it out yourself, with our 3 quick tips when choosing the best birthing ball for you.

A Safe Birthing Ball Position

1. Your Safety Matters

Unlock the benefits of the BABYGO birthing ball

The best balls for safety are all made from anti-burst material.

Anti-burst means the ball will deflate slowly if punctured and is a must when you are pregnant.

Look for anti-burst in the product specification. The ball will cost a little more, however, it is well worth it, for the extra protection it will give to you and your baby.

What matters to you in pregnancy is whether the ball is safe enough to hold your pregnancy weight.

Gambling on a gym ball can put you at increased risk of injury.

Compared with a birthing ball, the quality of the material in a gym ball is much thinner and noticeably poor.

During pregnancy, this will leave you feeling vulnerable even when just sat on the ball.

An Exercise Ball Is Unsafe To Use When Pregnant

A good quality birthing ball is risk-free when used correctly. It will have been tested and is guaranteed to hold your pregnancy weight.

A good posture is important for you and your baby. Your knees should be slightly below your hips when sat on the ball. See our birthing ball size guide.

Staggering I know, a gym ball designed to hold a weight of 125kg (19st 10lb) is not strong enough to carry out the best birthing ball positions.

A good quality anti-burst birthing ball will have a much higher maximum user weight, closer to 500kg (78st 7lb), this is to guarantee it can deliver the best and safest positions for you and your baby.

2. Low Price is Misleading.

Unlock the benefits of the BABYGO birthing ball

Some sellers will try to entice you by targeting you with a ball at a cheap price.

It's simple. Avoid brands that are jostling for the lowest price.

It is more than likely that you will have been misled and you are looking at a gym ball. After all, they visually look the same as a birthing ball, right.

Gym balls are not designed for pregnancy.

Gym Balls Should Not be Used For Pregnancy 

Search birthing ball and Argos will show you this product at a misleading bargain price.

The ball has lots of excellent reviews, it must be good right!?

Have you considered that the positive reviews might be generated from people who are using the ball in a very different scenario to you.

Well, it looks like Argos now have.

So much so, they have put a nice note in the product description, suggesting not for use in pregnancy.

But hey, not enough to stop targeting customers who search Birthing Ball!

Unlock the benefits of the BABYGO birthing ball

3. Choose a Trustworthy Pregnancy Brand

Do you want to know the secret behind a trustworthy brand?

Here are 3 proven ways to be sure you are choosing from a brand that you can trust.

BABYGO gives you something extra beyond the product we are selling.

  1. We specialise in your pregnancy needs and not gym balls.
  2. We are supportive in our understanding of your pregnancy and labour needs.
  3. We go above and beyond in our efforts to help you feel at ease with your choice.


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